Python Training by Dan Bader

MicroConf Europe 2016

Hey there! 👋

You probably found this page because of my MicroConf Europe attendee talk on an app I built for the Shopify App Store:

This page contains supporting material for my talk, the PDF slides, and my contact info.

My app

Nearby Store Notification is a single-purpose app available on the Shopify App Store. This is the first Shopify app I ever built and it’s also the first paid software product that I released as a “one man show” (besides some ill-fated shareware experiment when I was 14).

If you’d like to learn more about the app, go check out the app’s sales page on the Shopify app store.

Here’s the demo video that I mentioned in the talk:

» Subscribe to the YouTube Channel for more Python tutorials.

Presentation slides

The most important part of getting good at anything is going out there and doing it, at least for me. I know I’m still early in my journey as a software entrepeneur, but I learned a ton from going out there and launching a tiny product.

I hope you got some takeaways from my presentation that’ll help you on your own journey. I really enjoyed giving back to the community. I would’ve never got even this far without the great stuff that people are putting out every day — podcasts, blog posts, ebooks.

Thanks for that!

» Download the slides here.

Contact info

If you have any questions or feedback about my talk feel free to drop me a line at

I’d also love to meet you on Twitter. I frequently share articles from the software dev world and content from my own blog.

If you like you can sign up for my email newsletter where I announce new blog posts once a week. I mostly write for a software developer audience but I feel like there’s a decent chance that you are a developer if you’re reading this 😉

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