Python Training by Dan Bader

A Framework for Remote Usability Evaluation on Mobile Devices

PDF and supporting materials for my computer science bachelor’s thesis at TU München in 2011.

B.Sc. Thesis

Abstract: On mobile platforms, such as Google Android and Apple iOS, few software frameworks are available that support remote usability evaluation methods. Nevertheless, remote usability evaluation methods are an interesting area for research because they can be partly automated, thereby making them very time- and cost-efficient. In this thesis we propose a software, the muEvaluationFramework, that allows remote usability evaluation on mobile platforms and supports automation in the capture, analysis and critique phases of an usability evaluation. To demonstrate the abilities of the framework, we provide an application-independent prototypical implementation for the Apple iOS platform.

Thesis (PDF)


Slides (PDF)

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This article was filed under: academia, iOS, objective-c, thesis, and usability.

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